Frequently Asked Questions
The ideal Accelerator applicant is someone who is prepared to test their way into a new direction through doing, not through more researching, planning or talking. If you are on a mission to gain more industry experience and propel your career in the Data Science and Machine Learning fields this is the right programme for you.
Secure your Programme access at just under $370 CAD (including sales tax), available for a limited time only.
365 days of full access to the Programme, unlimited access to a private LinkedIn group for ongoing support and tips and early access to job opportunities in the Machine learning and Data Science space
It's totally up to you. We think you'll have a more enjoyable experience and learn more if you complete your profile, contribute to the LinkedIn private group to network with others in the MLDS space and get involved, but you can also use the education platform straightforwardly.
Upon joining the programme you will have full programme access to: ✔️ 5 phase video training course with over 20hours of essential video education ✔️ Private LinkedIn group community for daily customised support from Freya and our expert team at Reflection X ✔️ Early access to job opportunities in the Machine learning and Data Science space ✔️Detailed guides, resources and templates by Reflection X and useful external links to further support your learning for each Phase.