Your dream job is just a step away. 

The Machine Learning and Data Science Career Accelerator Programme is designed to help you to achieve full clarity on your career path and roadmap with the steps and processes required to achieve success. We have been helping people struggling with career path uncertainty, job search, applications and Tech interviews since 2014.

Hey You!

Are you on a mission to gain more industry experience, secure more interesting job offers and propel your career in the Data Science and Machine Learning fields? We have the solution for you.

  • Make a positive impact and add your unique value to companies working in this niche area of technology

  • Secure, develop and accelerate your career opportunities

  • Expand your professional network in the Machine Learning & Data Science field

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See Why They Love Us.


Business Intelligence Analyst

Freya helped me a lot starting from the Interview preparation to Network building and passing the technical interviews for different rounds. I would say that it definitely gave me a sense of new confidence and hope that I would be able to secure a job after following their guidelines and materials for the interviews. As I used their negotiating strategy for the salary range, it actually worked out really well and the organization was willing to pay up to my range. I would 100% recommend the Career Accelerator Programme as this really helped me with the transition into the DS field and it is definitely worth investing your time and money for this program.


Computational Scientist, Researcher

The Career Accelerator Programme is a well-structured program covering all aspects of job search; as an immigrant I had little knowledge about the Canadian job market, the information that took me several months to obtain they provide in just a few weeks. I received great advice and prompt support while I was interviewing for a role that I had found. The provided resources are extremely helpful not only for now but also in the future. Everything that was shared and discussed was very informative, and the feedback, responsiveness, support from the team and their willingness to help have been great. I would strongly recommend the program especially to newcomers to learn about the ML/DS opportunities in Canada.


Data Scientist

After speaking to Freya, I quickly realised that what they offered in the Career Accelerator Programme was exactly what I was looking for. It effectively helps in identifying your strengths and unique qualities and provides valuable resources and advice for every step in the job-hunting process. It was helpful for me to secure a new position as a Data Scientist. I highly recommend the Data Science Accelerator Programme to anyone who is looking to start a career in data science or progress to the next level in their career.